Every now and then I bump into things which I find highly annoying. To make 2022 a better year, I decided to flush the buffer of annoying things right away. Read the article to discover some things that would be different in a better world.
I needed a new bed and already for a good while I'd wanted to build one. I decided to DIY a bed in a somewhat simple yet quirky fashion. Check out the article how it went and build one for yourself, too!
A couple of years ago I bought ice skates and made a tool to make them more compatible with my feet. Now it was time to actually finally put the skates to good use. My knowledge about ice skating and fitting skates has reached epic proportions. Check out my newbie tips from the article and get adviced and encouraged!
I've recently thought a lot about the concept of love and how it relates to life. This is partly because of my past, partly because of how the Finnish society is. A stream of consciousness awaits you in the Off-world colonies - just follow the hyperlink to go down the rabbit hole.
Keväällä 2019 koin pahan burnoutin pitkäaikaisen työperäisen stressin seurauksena. Halusin jakaa tarinani auttaakseni itseäni toipumisessa ja jakaakseni tietoa muille.
I guess most people tend to resort to something specific when something needs fixing. The most common must be duct tape. I like metal strap, the perforated variety. In this short article I introduce some ways in which metal strap can be used for a lot of things.
As a kid, I never learned how to skate properly. Due to my wide feet it was super hard for me to find fitting skates. Eventually I just bought some decent ones and, since I don't have any contacts to boot punchers, decided to build a tool to make them more compatible with my feet. In this article I introduce the super simple tool that you can make too.