
A tech-oriented blog from a Linux user

Latest blog updates

2023-12-06Alesis Turbo Mesh Kit review: Add instructions for macOS and MidiPipe.
2022-08-31Of life and love: Add some recent thoughts and discoveries.
2022-02-27Learning to ice skate: Add notes about baking new skates.
2022-01-04Rant: loudness war, style over functionality, etc.: New article.
2021-12-31Uupumus - burnout (in Finnish): Lisätty perinteinen loppuvuoden päivitys.

Filtering by tag: social commentary

Of life and love

The meaning of life finally revealed (or not)


I've recently thought a lot about the concept of love and how it relates to life. This is partly because of my past, partly because of how the Finnish society is. A stream of consciousness awaits you in the Off-world colonies - just follow the hyperlink to go down the rabbit hole.


2022-08-31Add some recent thoughts and discoveries.

Uupumus - burnout (in Finnish)

Romahdin keväällä ja menetin jotain tärkeää


Keväällä 2019 koin pahan burnoutin pitkäaikaisen työperäisen stressin seurauksena. Halusin jakaa tarinani auttaakseni itseäni toipumisessa ja jakaakseni tietoa muille.


2021-12-31Lisätty perinteinen loppuvuoden päivitys.
2020-12-31Lisätty loppuvuoden toipumispäivitys.
2019-12-31Lisätty loppuvuoden tilannepäivitys.


I had a downfall in the spring and lost something important


In spring 2019 I suffered a bad burnout after long-term stress. I wanted to share my story, to help myself recover and spread the knowledge.


2021-12-31Add traditional end of the year update.
2020-12-31Add end of the year recovery update.
2019-12-31Add end of the year status update.
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