
A tech-oriented blog from a Linux user

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2024-09-03Installing Microsoft Intune on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS: New article.
2023-12-06Alesis Turbo Mesh Kit review: Add instructions for macOS and MidiPipe.
2022-08-31Of life and love: Add some recent thoughts and discoveries.
2022-02-27Learning to ice skate: Add notes about baking new skates.
2022-01-04Rant: loudness war, style over functionality, etc.: New article.

Filtering by tag: software

Installing Microsoft Intune on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS

Unable to register first, but solved the problem


I just received my new work computer. Our company policy requires us to install Microsoft Intune. I had some trouble as Intune kept saying "Get the app" instead of "Register". Here's how I solved the problem.

Alesis Turbo Mesh Kit review

Are cheap electronic drums good for learning to play?


For the longest time I was considering to start playing the drums. A few years ago I finally did buy a cheap electronic drum set. This review I was supposed to write already two years ago, but better late then never I guess. Check it out to learn how a cheap drum set works for a beginner!


2023-12-06Add instructions for macOS and MidiPipe.

Updating PC hardware in the 2020s

Optimization still requires knowledge


In December 2019 I updated my PC to cutting edge technology. Unlike in my older PC article, things aren't yet obsolete, so I figured I'll write what one needs to bear in mind if they want to optimize a new PC build. I'll also discuss some hardware/firmware bugs that still bother modern components.

Converting modules into bitstream format

A study on tracker music conversion


If some of your favourite songs happen to be originally tracker music, you must have wondered what would be the best way to convert them into bitstream format. I did an empirical study about it. Read on if you, too, sometimes bang your head to a power plant techno.


2020-05-11Add case study: Unreal Tournament soundtrack.

Of life and love

The meaning of life finally revealed (or not)


I've recently thought a lot about the concept of love and how it relates to life. This is partly because of my past, partly because of how the Finnish society is. A stream of consciousness awaits you in the Off-world colonies - just follow the hyperlink to go down the rabbit hole.


2022-08-31Add some recent thoughts and discoveries.

Motu M4 review

With measurements and Linux notes


As new motherboards don't have a PCI bus anymore, finding high-quality, low-latency audio devices that work in Linux might be hard. Released in November 2019, the Motu M4 promises class-compliance, low latency and superb sound quality. How does it measure against its specifications in practice? Read the article to find out.


2020-12-21Add Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS and RT audio info; some tidying up.
2020-08-31Add note about fixed duplex sound support.
2020-06-06Add note about systemd and realtime audio.
2020-04-13Add more Linux compatibility tests and notes.
2020-03-31Add note about switching the sample rate.

ESP8266 deep-sleep repeatedly

How to deep-sleep for a long time and save power


I made my indoor plant a soil moisture meter which reports the values to Azure cloud. However, I had some trouble making my D1 mini board to sleep and wake up reliably. Turns out, just calling the deep-sleep function once doesn't do the trick. I had to deep-sleep for several shorter cycles before reporting the measurement. Check out the article for a brief how-to.


2019-11-23Add power consumption measurements.
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