
A tech-oriented blog from a Linux user

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2023-12-06Alesis Turbo Mesh Kit review: Add instructions for macOS and MidiPipe.
2022-08-31Of life and love: Add some recent thoughts and discoveries.
2022-02-27Learning to ice skate: Add notes about baking new skates.
2022-01-04Rant: loudness war, style over functionality, etc.: New article.
2021-12-31Uupumus - burnout (in Finnish): Lisätty perinteinen loppuvuoden päivitys.

Filtering by tag: traveling

Of life and love

The meaning of life finally revealed (or not)


I've recently thought a lot about the concept of love and how it relates to life. This is partly because of my past, partly because of how the Finnish society is. A stream of consciousness awaits you in the Off-world colonies - just follow the hyperlink to go down the rabbit hole.


2022-08-31Add some recent thoughts and discoveries.

Asus should focus more on ergonomics than style

An Asus UX305CA laptop review by a Linux user


The Asus UX305CA promises good features, nice display, great looks and very light weight. Find out from this article how it has delivered in practice, and how it has worked running Xubuntu.


2019-07-29Add note about fixed Wi-Fi.
2018-09-08Add note about broken Wi-Fi.
2017-05-18Add notes about use in practice.
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