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Olli Helin's website

Welcome to my website!

Check out my tech-oriented blog, my retrospective travel blog or some of the various other works I've made.

To get an overview about who I am, check out the about page. There you will also find some professional information.

Feel free to ask or comment on the articles if you come up with something.


Latest blog updates

2024-09-03Installing Microsoft Intune on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS: New article.
2023-12-06Alesis Turbo Mesh Kit review: Add instructions for macOS and MidiPipe.
2022-08-31Of life and love: Add some recent thoughts and discoveries.
2022-02-27Learning to ice skate: Add notes about baking new skates.
2022-01-04Rant: loudness war, style over functionality, etc.: New article.
2021-12-31Uupumus - burnout (in Finnish): Lisätty perinteinen loppuvuoden päivitys.
2021-12-31Burnout: Add traditional end of the year update.
2021-07-19Panther's DIY Wapanese Bed: New article.
2021-04-05Updating PC hardware in the 2020s: New article.
2020-12-21Motu M4 review: Add Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS and RT audio info; some tidying up.

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